Looks like you found us!

We’re The Buddy System Band.  We understand that finding just the right band with just the right sound to meet the vision you have for your venue or event is no easy task.  There are many bands and styles to choose between, ranging from the laid-back and folkie singer-songwriter to the ubiquitous “rock-till -you-drop,” ear-splitting rock bands.

The Buddy System Band set out to hit that sweet spot in the middle with our renditions of upbeat country, folk-rock, and classic rock tunes performed with acoustic instruments presented in a style that is easy to listen to but energetic enough to get your room up out of their chairs and onto the dance floor. — we’re  good at “reading the room” and we’ll play what’s working!

Explore the videos and photo gallery and see for yourself.  If you’d like more information or want to schedule a date please contact us at: 

We look forward to playing for you soon.

This is a short audio/visual sampler from a live gig at Autumn Sage Winery in Sonoita, Arizona on 12-09-2023.